Do Open Houses Really Help Sell Homes?

Do open houses work to sell a home or are they a waste of time? If I had a dollar for every time this was asked, I would retire. Open houses really do work! The reason is simple, people want to look without being pressured. If your neighbor wants a look inside your house, they…

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Contingent Offers

Contingent offers are back! For the last 5 years if you needed to sell before you bought…You had zero chance of grabbing the home you wanted. Things have changed and I think for the better. Now that the market has turned into a neutral market, you can expect to hear and see more contingent offers…

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Not Sure If You Should Sell Or Be a Landlord?

There are two wonderful options here: First, is to become a landlord and continue to grow your wealth through equity, the other is to cash out and reinvest in something else, although the decision is a difficult one, it must be made when you have an investment property. There are a few questions to ask…

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